Get Daily Trivia Questions
Looking to get Daily Trivia Questions? We have over 350,000 trivia questions ready to license for your trivia app or website. Our trivia database comes with a category and difficulty tag. We offer the content in XML, jSON or Excel formats. We work with the leading digital publishers such as Gameloft and Playtech, board games and TV shows.
What Type of Trivia Questions Do You Offer?
We offer 4 types of trivia questions that are popular for trivia apps and websites. Multiple Choice questions are popular as anyone can play them. All our questions come with 4 different answers. Put Them In Order questions offer a great way to engage your audience. True or False questions work well in board games and pub quizzes. Question and Answer questions are always popular for all formats. More information can be found here.
What formats can I get daily trivia questions?
We offer the following four main formats. You will need to discuss your requirements with your development team to decide which is best for you. XML is a popular format for websites and offers and easy way to read, edit and import into your app. jSON is more popular with app developers. Excel or .csv works well for all projects. Whilst Word is great for pub quizzes. We offer all these formats at no extra charge.
How do you charge for your trivia database?
We charge on a per question basis. The fee depends on how many questions are ordered, the usage and length of license. Our typical license is 4 years but we also offer an option for a license in perpetuity. We work with all budgets and look forward to helping you build your trivia app or website.
Get in touch today. We will respond the same day and you will be able to access our trivia within 1 working day.