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You’re here probably because you googled “buy trivia database”. That grammatically incorrect statement directs much of the traffic to this site. Thankfully it’s something we can help with. We have over 330,000 quiz questions in our database which we license as well as a writing service for customers wanting custom written trivia. Get in touch if you’re looking to “Buy trivia database” and lets have a chat about the type of trivia you’re after.

Get In Touch


Buy trivia database is one of the most common requests we get. Whether you’re looking for a database of lifestyle questions to engage your website readers, a team specific sport trivia database for a mobile app or even a database of questions on general knowledge we can help. Have a look at the topic section of our site to view the broad categories in our database or get in touch if you need something on a subject that isn’t listed. If  you’re one of the people googling “buy trivia database” we can most definitely help!


Our entire database is graded between Easy, Medium and Hard Questions levels.

Number of Answers

Content can be taken as straight Q&A or choose between 2, 3, or 4 multiple choice answers.

Character Limits

Our content is written with character limits in mind for both questions and answers. Let us know your limit and we can export accordingly.

50:50 Elimination

We have tagged the most appropriate answers to eliminate if requiring a 50:50 option.

Translation Service

Our database is in English but can be cost effectively translated to most languages.

Delivery Formats

Content can be output to a variety of formats including Excel, Word, XML or JSON.


Often because of our client base people assume we will be expensive, but as we have a large existing database we can offer fantastic deals on non-topical trivia suitable for everything from weekly pub quizzes to trivia for websites, mobile applications or board games.