Are you looking to buy trivia question database content? Our database contains granular metadata to ensure a fast effective delivery of content. With over 450,000 trivia question in our database we are the perfect partner to launch your trivia product with. We work with leading digital publishers such as Tik Tok, Microsoft and AOL. If you want to buy trivia question database questions then get in touch for a quote.
Our entire database is graded between Easy, Medium and Hard Questions levels.
Number of Answers
Content can be taken as straight Q&A or choose between 2, 3, or 4 multiple choice answers.
Character Limits
Our content is written with character limits in mind for both questions and answers. Let us know your limit and we can export accordingly.
50:50 Elimination
We have tagged the most appropriate answers to eliminate if requiring a 50:50 option.
Translation Service
Our database is in English but can be cost effectively translated to most languages.
Delivery Formats
Content can be output to a variety of formats including Excel, Word, XML or JSON.
We have a pricing model to suit all client types. All questions are priced on a licensing model, with pricing bands depending on length of license required and volume of questions ordered.