Are you looking to Buy Trivia Question content? Our database contains granular metadata to ensure a fast effective delivery of content, we can work to the following constraints:
Our entire database is graded between Easy, Medium and Hard Questions levels.
Number of Answers
Content can be taken as straight Q&A or choose between 2, 3, or 4 multiple choice answers.
Character Limits
Our content is written with character limits in mind for both questions and answers. Let us know your limit and we can export accordingly.
50:50 Elimination
We have tagged the most appropriate answers to eliminate if requiring a 50:50 option.
Translation Service
Our database is in English but can be cost effectively translated to most languages.
Delivery Formats
Content can be output to a variety of formats including Excel, Word, XML or JSON.
Often because of our client base people assume we will be expensive, but as we have a large existing database we can offer fantastic deals on non-topical trivia suitable for everything from weekly pub quizzes to trivia for websites, mobile applications or board games.