Multiple choice questions are the most popular format in our trivia database. We have over 450,000 multiple choice questions over 350 categories and 2000 sub categories. Multiple choice trivia is perfect for mobile apps and website trivia sites as they promote user engagement and dwell time in your product.
Our multiple choice questions all come with four answers and are fully verified by our team of experts. The trivia questions are written by professional writers and are tailored to a mobile or web audience.
Our multiple choice question database caters for all trivia product types and clients are able to select a maximum character count for questions and answers.
Multiple Choice Question Examples:
Astroworld is a 2018 album from which artist?
Travis Scott (←)
DJ Khaled
Daddy Yankee
2019 US Open tennis losing finalist Daniil Medvedev is from which country?
Czech Republic
Russia (←)
Fuel, heat and which other ingredient is needed for a fire?
Oxygen (←)
2019 video game “Tom Clancy’s The Division 2” is set in which US city?
Washington DC (←)
Multiple Choice Trivia Format
# ID ¦ Category ¦ Sub Category ¦ Difficulty ¦ Question ¦ Correct A ¦ Incorrect 1 ¦ Incorrect 2 ¦ Incorrect 3
Often because of our client base people assume we will be expensive but as we have a large existing database we can offer fantastic deals on non-topical trivia suitable for everything from weekly pub quizzes to trivia for websites, mobile applications or board games. Get in touch for a quote.
Other Trivia Types
Want something different to multiple-choice trivia? We have many different question formats in our database to cater for all your trivia requirements. Other popular formats include Put Them In Order, QA, True or False and Would You Rather? Our trivia database contains thousands of trivia questions in all formats.